Starting an Economic Interest Group

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The President must be present physically to submit or withdraw the application.

The four (04) formalities required to start an EIG are:

  • Registration of the statutes
  • Registration in the Register of Companies and Liens
  • Registration for NINEA
  • A declaration of establishment

The documents to provide are:

  1. Three (03) copies of the EIG Statutes, Rules and Regulations, and minutes of the founding assembly, all printed in front and back pages
  2. One (01) copy of the members’ identity cards
  3. Two (02) copies of the passport (for foreigners)
  4. The President’s criminal record check of no more than three (3) months or a statement of compliance, filled duly and signed by the President
  5. If the President is a foreigner, s/he must provide a criminal record check from his/her country of origin, issued no more than three (3) months prior to the application submission date
  6. Nine (09) fiscal stamps of 2 000 CFA Francs to affix to each page of the Statutes, Rules and regulations, and the Minutes before registration
  7. Two (02) fiscal stamps of 2 000 CFA Francs for registration in RCCM and for the NINEA

Preliminary expenses

  • 29 000 CFA Francs for registration fees
  • 30 000 CFA Francs for initial expenses, including
    • 20 000 CFA Francs for the costs of trade name protection at OAPI
    • 10 000 CFA Francs for court fees.
